
We want Seeds of Freedom to be seen far and wide, without barriers limiting audiences and reach. With this in mind, we’ve tried our best to ensure that accessing Seeds of Freedom is as straightforward as possible. You don’t need to purchase a license to screen it, it’s simply available online for everybody to be able to watch and download for free. This is part of our commitment to seed and food sovereignty.

Guide to downloading from Vimeo

Seeds of Freedom on Vimeo

Semillas de Libertad on Vimeo

Graines de Liberte on Vimeo

Semințele Libertatii on Vimeo


If you’ve been inspired by Seeds of Freedom, and would like to help to plant seeds of change, you can support the work of the African Biodiversity Network and The Gaia Foundation by making a donation. To make a donation please email to arrange, or send a cheque to The Gaia Foundation, 6 Heathgate Place, Agincourt Road, NW3 2NU, England. Please indicate that you would like to support Seeds of Freedom.